The holiday season is right around the corner and for many business owners, such as those in the retail, hospitality, or food service industries – that means peak sales are also on the way. Many businesses rely on the holiday season to get them “in the black,” and ensure that they are profitable for the year. How can you make sure to take full advantage of the Holiday sales increase? We recommend following these practical marketing tips for small business owners. Take a look now and see how you can market your business effectively and bring in more customers this holiday season.
Send Out Promotions for Limited-Time Offers
Just having a holiday sale alone is not always enough to bring customers into your business – you should also consider sending out promotions for limited-time offers. You want to encourage FOMO – Fear of Missing Out – in your customers, by giving them offers and special discounts that can only be redeemed in a short period of time.
The way you send out these promotions depends on your budget and working capital – and how much you can spend on advertising and marketing. On the cheap, you could announce these promotions via Twitter, Facebook, and other free social media tools, or via an email newsletter. If you have a larger budget, you could consider direct mail, local magazine or newspaper ads, and pay-per-click (PPC) online advertisements.
Work Out Your Holiday Return Policy
This is not directly related to marketing but is very important. If you run a business that accepts returns, you’ll need to make sure you have a holiday return policy in place, allowing purchases made during the holiday season to be returned, even if they are purchased outside of your traditional returns window. If you don’t have a holiday return policy, you’ll be faced with unhappy customers – which leads to poor publicity and online reviews. In turn, this can hinder your future marketing efforts.
Partner with Local Organizations for Holiday Events
Consider getting involved in a local light show, festival, or another holiday event. If you run a food truck, for example, see how you can get involved in local events to provide food and refreshments. This is a great way to promote your business in your area and become involved in local traditions and yearly events, which is sure to help you get more business in the future.
Consider A Holiday Charity Event
The holiday season is a time of giving. So, consider running a special holiday charity event – such as a food or donation drive, or even donating a percentage of your sales to a local charitable organization. This is a great way to get publicity and attention from members of your local community – which results in increased sales. Not only that, you get to give back to those who need it, and that’s what the holidays are really about!
Follow These Marketing Tips – And Make Sure You Take Full Advantage of The Holidays!
If you can take advantage of these helpful business marketing tips, you’re sure to be able to increase your sales this holiday season – no matter what business you’re in. Don’t wait! The holidays are just around the corner. Act now and make this holiday season your best yet!